BOLT Publishes Sexual Harassment Infographic to Illustrate Threat to Small Business Owners

“Hands Off” Approach to Sexual Harassment Can Destroy a Small Business (Infographic)

BOLT Publishes Sexual Harassment Infographic to Illustrate Threat to Small Business Owners and Provide Guidance for Mitigating Risk

Farmington, CT – October 31, 2011 – BOLT(BusinessOwnersLiability Team), a leading insurance agency that exclusively protectssmallbusinessowners, published today a sexual harassment infographic which highlights the financial burden thatbusinessescanbear as a result of workplace sexual harassment. The infographicalso providesimportanttips for small business owners to protect themselves andtheir businessesfrom costlyclaims.


In 2010, there were more than 11,000 charges of sexual harassment in the workplacethroughouttheU.S according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC), whichcompilesyearly statistics on sexual harassment charges. Each of these cases yielded $4,130 in non-litigationmonetarybenefitsto the victims, but the real risk for small business owners comeswhen factoringinlitigation against the employer. Because there is no cap on theamount an employeecansue for in a sexual harassment case, these cases can easilycost employers millionsofdollars in legal awards and related fees.


“Nearly 90 percent of the small business owners we speak with are underinsured ornotinsuredat all, leaving them and their businesses extremely vulnerable to unforeseenrisks,”saidTom Hammond, EVP of Operations at BOLT. “This is especially true ofissues likesexualharassment, where the business owner might have very little involvementin,or controlover, the situation. A sexual harassment decision or settlement caneasilycost millionsand destroy a small business, but it’s also important to notethatjust the cost ofsimply defending a suit could easily decimate a small businessaswell as its owner’slivelihood and personal assets.”


Added Hammond, “While small business owners tend to focus on the dozens of dailyresponsibilitiesassociatedwith growing their businesses, it is equally importantto fully understandwhat constitutessexual harassment in the workplace, what thepotential consequencesare and how toprotect your business. The risks are justtoo high.”


The sexual harassment infographic provides examples to help small business ownersidentifysexualharassment in the workplace. It details the prevalence and financialriskassociatedwith sexual harassment charges, but most importantly guides ownersonspecific waysto protect their businesses and themselves, including:

    1. nstitute a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment
    2. Raise awareness of what constitutes sexual harassment by conducting mandatory employee training
    3. As a business owner, make yourself fully aware of the laws around sexual harassment
    4. Under most lease agreements, control of the property is relinquished to the lessee and, as such, they are required to carry their own insurance.
    5. Take all reports of harassment from employees seriously
    6. Document all reported cases of harassment
    7. Protect yourself with proper sexual harassment insurance coverage as part of your Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy


Please visit to viewBOLT’ssexualharassment infographic as well as other important tips and informationforprotectinga small business.


BOLT exclusively focuses on protecting the small business owner by providing accesstotopmarkets and carriers online, with immediate quotes and expert guidance. UsingitsprovenWeb-based technology, bolt collects all underwriting information requiredbytop-linecarriers, and allows business owners to view proposals online withinminutes.Throughthe strength of its technology platform, processes and team ofexperts, BOLTdeliversa unique “high tech/high touch” approach to serving the veryspecific needsof smallbusiness owners.


About BOLT
BOLT, the Business Owners Liability Team, is a national insurance agency that exclusivelyprotectstheowners of small businesses. bolt agents help business owners choosethe rightinsuranceproducts to fully protect both their businesses and themselvespersonally.BOLT offersan on-line and interactive experience with leading carriers.As such,business ownerscan thoroughly compare coverage and pricing, and ultimatelypurchasecost-effectiveinsurance for their businesses within minutes. Businessinsurancepolicies offeredby bolt include, but are not limited to, General Liability,BusinessProperty Insurance,Workers’ Compensation, Commercial Auto, Umbrella Insurance,Errorsand Omissions,Directors and Officers, Business Interruption, EmploymentLiability,Sexual Harassmentand Flood. These policies are provided by top-ratedinsurance carrierssuch as TheHartford, CNA, Liberty Mutual, Ace and Chubb. BOLTInsurance Agency isheadquarteredin Farmington, CT, and is licensed to do businessin all fifty states.Come visitus at:


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Media inquiries:
Josh Baker
Director of Marketing
BOLT Insurance Agency