You may be reluctant to add your teenage driver to your auto insurance policy. Your teen is not only taking a big step as a new inexperienced driver, but you’ll also stand to face an increase in your insurance premium.
New drivers are dangerous on the roads, rack up tickets, and have car crashes at rates that are nine times the rate of middle-aged drivers, according to Consumer Reports. Although your rates will likely increase when you add your teen to your policy, you do have control of how high they get. The good news, there are ways you can lower your rates and keep your teen safe while behind the wheel.
Typically, car insurers don’t require you to add your teenage driver to your insurance policy until they’ve received their license to drive. Therefore, while your teen is driving on a permit, you can hold off on adding them to your insurance. You do have to let your insurer know that you have a teen that has a learner’s permit.
However, once your teen gets their license, you need to put them on your insurance policy or buy their own separate one. Many parents just add their teenage drivers to their current insurance policies which is normally a cheaper option.
Select a Car that’s Not Expensive to Insure
If you have several cars at your household, having your teen driver use the cheapest car to insure is ideal. If they want to get their own car, have them use the IIHS website that lists insurance losses by model and make for cars that were built before 2010.
Encourage Responsibility
Encourage responsibility from your teen. This is a huge factor when it comes to calculating rates. Therefore, your teen can improve their odds of obtaining cheaper rates through things like:
- Keeping up with good grades.
- Keeping their driving record clean and free of violations or accidents.
- Not using their cell phones while driving.
- Taking a driver’s education course.
After all, you want your teen to stay safe while they’re driving anyway, so providing them with tips on how to be responsible behind the wheel can’t hurt.
So if you’re asking yourself, “how do I get car insurance” for my teen, keep in mind that when insuring your teen, it can definitely help to get several quotes from various insurers since rates will differ between companies. But, if you’re busy and aren’t able to call around, an independent insurance agent can do the legwork for you.
If you’re interested in getting car insurance for your teenager, call us here at bolt insurance Agency. 1-800-216-4171