Proper Installation of Your Driver Floor Mat on Your Business Vehicle

Many drivers disregard the floor mat as being something optional. However, it actually does serve many purposes, and should be mandatory whenever your employees are driving a company vehicle. Not only should it be used, but it needs to be installed properly. Below you will find some helpful tips on installing it properly to avoid any issues with friction and protect the floor of your company vehicles from food, debris and other causes of damage.

Benefits of a Floor Mat

There are a number of benefits to your employees using floor mats in your business vehicles. Whether it is a truck used to pick up lumber or a car for deliveries, be sure they are utilizing the floor mats and installing them properly.

  • Provide friction to avoid slipping while getting in and out of the work vehicle. All-weather mats are best as they avoid hazardous situations when it is raining or snowing.
  • Protect vehicle carpets from coffee, drinks and food if they spill below the driver’s seat. While employees shouldn’t be eating or drinking while driving, they may take lunch breaks in the vehicle, in which this is a significant risk.
  • Protect vehicle floor and carpeting from mud, dirt, snow, salt and gravel that may be in the employee’s shoes. Over time, it seeps into the carpeting and begins to smell badly. This is off-putting for the worker, but also any passengers if they’re driving with clients in the car.

Reasons to Install it Properly

Many of these benefits are moot if you don’t install the mat properly. Driver floor mats are the best way to avoid accidents when entering or exiting a vehicle, especially if it has been raining and the employee’s shoes are wet. However, they aren’t going to provide friction if they’re not installed properly, and slipping around while the employee is trying to move around in the driver’s seat. It can also move forward while driving which affects their ability to press on the gas or brake pedals, and becomes a way for the driver to get distracted.

How to Install a Driver Floor Mat

Before installing a new driver floor mat, be sure to remove all old mats. Get the flooring of the vehicle clean and make sure it is a flat surface. Avoid stacking mats on top of each other, as this can get in the way of driving and accessing the pedals. Read the manufacturer’s instructions; it is not uncommon to disregard the instructions, assuming it is as simple as placing it on the floor of the truck. But it’s important to have them installed properly. If clips came with the mat, use them to keep the floor mat in place. If you are not using a floor mat that came with the vehicle, be sure you get the right size. Ask an employee at the auto supply store to verify it is a proper size and shape for the intended vehicle.

Once it has been installed, move your feet gentle on top of it to be sure it isn’t sliding around. Also look that it is in no way blocking or interfering with the pedals. If it is, it is too big or placed incorrectly in the vehicle. As mentioned previously, choosing an all-weather rubber driver floor mat is highly useful.

Now that your floor mats are installed properly, your drivers will be as safe as possible. Educate them on proper driving procedures and change out old mats when they don’t have as much friction. Always be sure to have commercial auto insurance for your entire fleet.