Draftsman Insurance

A draftsman works with clients helping provide technical building drawings, whether they are for engineering or architectural work. It is mostly done digitally and it helps the construction process of new buildings and structures. It is a very important job to get right and you are at risk for a number of things. Your biggest risks are liabilities related to visitors and clients, along with other general risks of any business. Draftsman insurance helps prevent financial struggle after an unexpected event.

Types of Draftsman Insurance

To cover all your business risks, you need multiple insurance policies. These draftsman insurance policies will cover most of your risks:

Draftsman General Liability Insurance

General liability is essential for a draftsman company, as it includes multiple types of coverage. There is premises liability in case any clients visit your business offices and have an injury in your shop or on the sidewalk. If because of the drafting work you completed, measurements were incorrect and caused damage to the new building, this is covered under completed operations.

Draftsman Commercial Auto Insurance

Business auto insurance is a great policy to have, because it protects you from bodily injury or property damage after a collision. You can also choose to add theft and vandalism to the business auto policy. So if you’re visiting a work site to get sketches for a digital draft and someone hits you on the way there, any damage to your vehicle is going to be covered by the business auto insurance policy.

Draftsman Business Property Insurance

Your draftsman business should also have protection against fire, flood and natural disasters with a business property insurance policy. That way, if a fire breaks out in your office, you’re not trying to deal with thousands of dollars in repairs of the building or contents. Especially if you’re in an area susceptible to fire, extreme weather or certain natural disasters, this is an important draftsman insurance policy.

Draftsman Cyber Liability Insurance

For your online draftsman website, protect you and your visitors with a cyber liability insurance policy. If a hacker gets into your website and alters it in some way or causes spyware, it not only affects you, but your visitors as well. Cyber liability helps cover any legal or damage costs involved.

Draftsman Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is required by law in most states and provides insurance coverage for your employees. It covers all work-related injuries or illnesses. If you have a drafting assistant that is on a construction site and gets sawdust in their eyes, they will need a trip to the doctor. The medical costs, including the exam, procedure and prescriptions, are covered by workers’ comp.

Draftsman Crime Insurance

Crime insurance is another crucial policy to have when you are a draftsman. You risk vandalism, theft and dishonest employee acts. If you have an employee that embezzles money from your company, crime insurance prevents you from suffering financially as a result of that theft of money. Vandalism of your property and theft are also risks to cover with crime insurance.

As a draftsman, you need to protect your financial assets and business reputation by getting multiple types of business insurance. Even for less common risks, be covered with a draftsman insurance policy for the best protection.