If you run a pool cleaners business, you likely do very well and run a profitable business. While your location does determine whether or not you have business year-round, you likely keep busy and have clients returning to you regularly. Some of your business risks might include damage to your equipment or business property, liabilities with your clients, or even theft of your supplies. Protect yourself with pool cleaners business insurance.
Types of Pool Cleaners Business Insurance
You have more than one type of insurance policy to choose from since there are multiple risks for a pool cleaning business. Choose from the following essential policies:
Pool Cleaners Business Owners Policy
A business owner’s policy (BOP) for a pool cleaning business gives you the opportunity of personalizing a package policy. It always includes general liability, and can also be customized with other coverages, like dishonest employee coverage, electronic data, building and contents, and various other policies.
Pool Cleaners Property Damage Insurance
Damage to your property because of an unexpected event like a natural disaster or fire can mean a long list of repairs and replacing contents that were destroyed. With property damage insurance included in your pool cleaners business insurance portfolio, you are able to get those repairs paid for and replace any office equipment, pool cleaning supplies, or products that cannot be salvaged.
Pool Cleaners Bodily Injury Coverage
If while visiting your pool cleaning business or store someone becomes injured on your property, you are liable for their medical costs. Bodily injury coverage helps you to pay the medical and/or legal costs following the injury, such as being sued because a customer broke a finger on a defective door that shut hard on their hand.
Pool Cleaners Personal and Advertising Injury
Personal and advertising injury is a vital policy for those damages not related to physical injuries of customers. You may have a competitor sue you claiming you spoke negatively of their company and caused lack of business, or that you failed to explain a certain discount’s terms in your advertisement. These legal suits are covered by the personal and advertising injury policy.
Pool Cleaners Commercial Auto Policy
Business auto insurance is a commercial auto policy every pool cleaning business should have. A good portion of your job is driving to homes or businesses and cleaning their pools or spas. Because of all this transportation, you are at a greater risk for vehicle accidents, theft or vandalism of your work vehicle. Business auto can provide essential pool cleaners business insurance coverage for all of these events.
Pool Cleaners Products and Completed Operations Insurance
Products and completed operations are two types of liability insurance policies. With products coverage, you have protection from injuries or damage caused by products you sell, such as a special cleaning agent for homeowners who want to maintain their own pool in between pool cleaning appointments. You also get coverage from services you provide, such as repairing a pump in the swimming pool.
Pool Cleaners Damage to Premises Rented to You
If you are renting your business property, such as a storage unit to hold your equipment and cleaning tools, or an office where you conduct business, you should have rental insurance. This will provide you with coverage for any damage you make to the premises you rent if there is an unexpected event or peril while you are renting the space.
Pool Cleaners Medical Expense Limit
If there is an injury caused by the work you complete or on the premises of your business, you are responsible for the medical costs. While your liability insurance policy includes coverage for medical expenses, some situations might call for a larger settlement. In this case, having additional coverage from a medical expense limit policy is very useful.
Pool Cleaners Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Your pool cleaners and other employees run the risk of getting an injury or illness while cleaning pools. By getting a workers’ compensation insurance policy for each employee, any medical costs relating to their injury is covered and it is also prevents them from suing you for damages. If a pool cleaner gets a back injury from the work he does every day, the medical and recovery costs will be covered by this policy.
These pool cleaners business insurance policies cover your most common pool cleaners business risks. Some risks may seem like they could never happen, but you should never take that chance.