5 Remote Employee Security Tips

Security threats for small and large businesses alike come in many forms, shapes, and sizes. When dealing with remote employees, there are a few security risks that are somewhat unique to these employees—especially since there is a heavy reliance on technology to keep you connected and them involved in the business. These 5 remote employee security tips are sure to help you keep your business information and assets more secure.


1)  Use up to date security programs on all employee devices. There aren’t enough ways to stress the importance of this. The wrong virus or malware program that bypasses inferior security protocols can wreak havoc on every computer that computer or mobile device has been used to communicate with in your company.


2) Embrace the potential of operating “in the cloud”.  Cloud based application can be used in order to keep sensitive data secure. When data is stored on laptops, mobile phones, and even desktop computers, it is vulnerable to physical theft of the devices, hacking, viruses, malware, and denial of service attacks. That isn’t the case when working in the cloud. The security is much better than the average business or IT department can easily manage and the data is in one central location rather than being passed around or carried around on devices that aren’t nearly as secure as you’d like to believe.


3) Make sure all devices are password protected. Really that’s just the first step. If work-related laptops, tablet devices, and smartphones fall into the wrong hands it can spell disaster for your business in big, bold, capital letters. Additional security protocols you might want to consider in the event of thefts are programs that actually wipe the device clean so that no client information or corporate secrets can be gleaned from it.


4)  Require remote workers to use safe,secure wireless Internet connections. While the temptation may be strong to take their computers to the local coffee shop and work via public, free-for-all Wi-Fi, that’s not the best plan of action for security’s sake. You need to have policies that ban that practice as well as escalating consequences for employees who put your business at risk by violating that rule.


5)  Create policies concerning passwords and security for business computers or computers that are used for business. Don’t allow the use of generic or factory installed passwords. Require employees to change their passwords on a regular basis (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly works best). In addition, make sure they aren’t using the same passwords for mobile devices and their laptops.


Little tips like this can make a huge difference to the state of security when dealing with remote workers. However, no matter how well you plan, bad stuff happens. These are the moments when you need a business insurance policy that goes above and beyond what traditional policies offer such as cyber liability insurance (which is a necessity in a situation such as this) when you’re hiring remote workers.