Business Insurance Infographic – What Types of Coverage Does Your Business Need

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The bolt Business Insurance Infographic, What Coverage Does Your Business Need explains through images the different types of business insurance and coverages that your business may need to protect yourself, your business, your customers, and even your employees.

As a small business owner, or someone thinking about opening a small business, it’s not easy to understand the types of protection that you need from day one of opening your business. We hope this infographic will help you to better understand the different types of business insurance and insurance coverages available. But of course, always speak with a licensed business insurance agent so that they can understand your business and provide you with the exact coverages to help protect you against the risks you may face. Presented as an infographic (created for bolt by Infographic World) to help you more easily visualize and retain this important information.

BOLT Insurance agents are licensed in all 50 states, experts in small business, and always available to help you.


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