Comparing auto insurance quotes can be instrumental in helping you save money on your auto insurance. Even if you love your current insurance company and don’t want to leave, you can use lower quote offers from other companies to encourage your company to lower rates in order to compete for your continued loyalty.
The Insurance Information Institute recommends getting at least three price quotes from different insurance companies before choosing. There are several good reasons for adopting this practice, including these listed below.
Make Apples to Apples Comparisons
One thing that is critical when using an auto insurance quotes comparison is that you are comparing comparable service for price. There are varying degrees of prices and services available. Price isn’t everything when making these comparisons so be careful the lower cost plan doesn’t neglect a key coverage area like medical payments, collision coverage, or excess liability coverage.
Also, remember to keep deductibles, coverage limitations, and types of coverage the same when making comparisons and look at them side by side.
You Might Discover that You are Overpaying for Insurance
If you receive three lower quotes when conducting an auto insurance quotes comparison, for similar service to what you are currently receiving, the odds are good that you are currently overpaying for your insurance coverage. Working with an independent insurance agent, like us here at BOLT Insurance Agency, can also help you shop around with several different insurance providers to find the best combination of coverage and rates.
Look for Ways to Cut Costs Further
If your goal is to save on your auto insurance costs altogether, an independent insurance agent is the only way to go. Not only can your agent compare prices between multiple providers, but can also look for additional discounts (safe driver, bundling, driving school, safety features, safer cars, etc.) and look for types of coverage you can eliminate for bigger savings. Not everything you pay for in a policy is necessary and some things must be more cost effective to leave out of your insurance coverage and pay for out of pocket or through other mediums.
Comparing insurance rates allows you to quickly and easily identify areas where you can save on your insurance costs. Using a service that compares rates for you allows you to get the benefits of receiving rates from multiple insurance companies without investing the time and attention required to get this information on your own – taking the pain out of the insurance buying process and making it easy for you to decide which policy is the best one to meet your coverage needs.
To get multiple insurance quotes instantly, complete our auto Insurance quotes comparison form here