How Can Small Business Owners Best Utilize Social Media?

Over the past few years, social media has become a larger part of the lives of a large number of people, almost regardless of their demographics. This is also true for businesses of all sizes, as they look to take advantage of the growing number of such sites and better connect with both current customers and potential ones. However, it seems small businesses might be lagging a little bit behind in adoption in this regard, and that might be to their detriment.

Recent data suggests that a lot of small businesses are getting into social media marketing to some extent, but experts say that this kind of effort really needs to be stepped up for companies to have a better chance of succeeding, according to a report from Forbes. The problem is that many owners seem to believe that using social media comes with a huge time commitment that will take their attentions away from other aspects of their companies, but this doesn’t have to be the case.

The fact of the matter is that today, many consumers use social media as a means of checking out a company before they make a purchase, and if they find their presence on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest lacking then they might be inclined to take their business elsewhere, the report said. As such, it’s important for at least some kind of regular updates on these sites for any company; it doesn’t have to be more than once a day, or even every day, but having some sort of presence on there will at least give consumers a better idea of what to expect.

What should the content be?
Of course, it should be noted that just joining a site and posting a tweet or status update a few times a week or more might not be the best way to actually engage customers and keep them interested, the report said. For this reason, it’s important for companies to craft their content to their offerings, such as by posting pictures if they sell products that are aesthetically pleasing, or coupons to potentially bring in more customers initially.

Owners who want to make their companies’ bottom lines healthier overall, meanwhile, may want to consider the benefits of finding ways to reduce their expenses for small business insurance. By cutting costs for this kind of coverage, which often includes liability insurance, they might be able to save thousands annually.