How Small Business Owners Can Take a Little More Time Off Work

One of the major issues that face small business owners nationwide is that they feel like they can never leave their companies to run on their own for very long, but it's often vital to do so. This helps owners to avoid burnout, which itself can have a massive negative impact on a company's standing going forward.

A number of studies have shown that small business owners simply tend not to take much time off, if any, over the course of the year, which can cause a number of problems, according to a report from the Raleigh News and Observer. And it is for this reason that owners, even when they don't feel like it's a good idea, should try to do their best to figure out ways to make periods of rest work for them and their companies.

"Some business owners will not take vacation because they believe their organization will fall apart the second they walk out the front door," David Washington, managing partner of the Raleigh consulting and training firm Washington & Co., told the newspaper. "Others have a high distrust in the individuals that they have hired."

How can owners go about it?
Of course, most owners probably think that any time they're not spending within a short drive of their companies is exactly when something will go completely wrong, the report said. This may boil down to not trusting their employees, or simply wanting to be able to address any concerns as quickly as possible, but in any case, there are ways for owners to put a little more distance between themselves and their companies, at least for a short while.

One of the easiest ways to do this is for owners to plan a vacation for some date in the somewhat distant future, and then simply write it down on a calendar, the report said. That way, they can see how soon their scheduled time off is coming up on them, and start preparing themselves for it mentally. This will give them the ability to get in a little rest and relaxation while also making sure all the pre-vacation preparations can be taken care of in a timely fashion. Setting up a chain of command in the event of certain events, or taking other necessary steps to square everything away. It can also be helpful to set rules about being involved in work-related activities during this time, so owners don't get sucked into dealing with whatever issues might arise.

However, when it comes to owners for whom a week or two away from their small business is just too much to bear, it might be wise instead to start taking a few extra days off here and there rather than grouping them all together, the report said. Taking three- and four-day weekends every once in a while can certainly help to recharge the batteries, and leave owners with less worry about how the company is being run in their absence. Taking as much as nine days in a row off from work can seem daunting, but scaling back just a little bit might give entrepreneurs the mental edge and recovery time they need all at once. Further, taking a few extra days off doesn't mean owners aren't allowed to think about their companies; being able to step aside and not worry about day-to-day operations, and then think about some issues a company might be facing can be a huge benefit.

Owners might also be able to give themselves a bit more peace of mind by looking around for more affordable small business insurance, including policies for liability insurance, which could give them greater flexibility with their companies' bottom lines.