With identity theft and other digital crimes on the rise, it’s more important than ever that small business owners take the necessary steps, now, to protect their digital security. This is the Information Age. As such, information is king in all circles these days. With so many businesses operating on wireless networks, via mobile devices, and even on home networks, businesses are vulnerable when it comes to digital security.
What is Digital Security?
Digital security is protecting the digital identity of your business. The digital identity of your business is the online or network equivalent of the business’ physical identity. Most digital security measures are a combination of physical and technological assets and may include anti-virus software, biometric scanners, and secure personal devices for necessary communications.
How do Small Businesses get Started?
The good news is that you can start small and build up to bigger changes. Start with simple measures such as requiring employees to use more complex passwords. More importantly, you’re forcing them to move away from default passwords that an alarming number of employees continue to work with.
Require employees to keep their browsers updated regularly. Many security breaches are the direct result of outdated web browsers that allow some form of malicious software to be installed on business computers.
Create a Digital Security Plan for Your Business
Of course it’s not enough to simply create a plan. You must work to implement the required changes as well. This includes training your employees on safety protocols (as well as why they are important) and establishing consequences for failure to comply with the new safeguards and regulations. Teaching old dogs new tricks might prove difficult, but one security leak can sink corporate ships – no matter how large or small.
Secure Your Networks
The Federal Communication Commission offers a few pieces of advice that go beyond human error as far as digital security is concerned. Securing business networks is one of the most important. Firewalls help, as does allowing limited access to data.
Some companies have switched over to cloud computing environments for an added layer of protection. This means that the information is stored offsite and accessed by authorized users. It protects the data from human error and cyber crimes alike. Regular data backups can be beneficial for protecting against lost data and encryption can prevent prying eyes from accessing information through a data breach they shouldn’t be privy to.
Little changes often deliver big results when it comes to securing data and improving digital security. However, constant vigilance is also necessary in order to prevent the unthinkable happening and playing private information about your business, employees, and customers at risk. This includes investing in cyber crime insurance. Digital security must be front and center when purchasing new technology, making upgrades to existing technology, and dealing with the growing demands of an “always connected” workforce.