Phishing is becoming more and more common on the Internet today. As it becomes more widespread, the risks associated with it are on the rise. According to a recent Proofpoint survey, 51 percent of the 330+ people who responded believed that their organizationwas the victim of a vicious style of attack called spear phishing within the last year. The question now is how to deal with them when they do happen.
What is Phishing?
Phishing is the term used for emails or communications that attempt to collect information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card information. The attempt is often made in the guise of newsletters or account information that are designed to look like legitimate emails and newsletters from honest to goodness businesses in communities around the world.
Phishing can be done via email, text message, or even instant messaging. It’s called “phishing” because it sounds like a different kind of fishing — where fishermen bait the hook and hope some gullible fish will come along and bite.
Preventing these Attacks
You have probably heard by now that prevention is the best cure. It’s true. The first thing you need to do in order to prevent phishing attacks is to install adequate spyware, malware, and spyware coverage on both you personal and small business computer. This will prevent you from opening emails that contain harmful software that could cripple your computer system.
Next, you should avoid providing financial and/or personal information in emails. Not only is this not a secure method of exchanging that information, it can be a huge problem if that information falls into the hands of someone who has bad intentions. You should also always check your financial and credit card statements the moment they arrive so you can spot signs of trouble if they become much larger problems than they have to be.
Invest in the Proper Insurance
Before you do anything else, however, you should take time to invest in cyber liability insurance. This insurance can help you pay for damages as a result of potential wrongdoers getting information they didn’t have a right to and using it. The bottom line financial damage from phishing attacks can grow quite sizable. You want to do whatever you have the power to do to avoid a phishing attack.
Phishing attacks target businesses large and small alike. You can practice preventative measures to avoid turning your business into a target for would be scammers. These steps will help and the insurance will help you recover if your financial records or the records of others should fall into the wrong hands. Use these tips well to get the most out of your story.