Shoe Store Insurance

Man'S Footwear

If you currently own or you are thinking about opening a shoe store, there are a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration. The inventory you offer is, of course, one of the most important things that determine the success of your establishment; however, there’s more that needs to be addressed.

The location and your marketing are some of the most important things that you need to take into consideration when operate a shoe store. So is insurance.

Insurance provides you, your business, your employees, and your customers with a security blanket, in the event that something happens in your store. Should a customer or an employee become injured on your property, if an item is stolen or if your establishment becomes damaged, insurance will provide the necessary protection.

Types of Insurance for Shoe Stores

There are several types of insurance policies that can be beneficial for a shoe store, including the following:

  • General Liability Insurance. Of all of the insurance options available for shoe store owners, general liability insurance is an absolute must. This type of insurance will protect your business In the event that an employee or customer files a suit against your shoe store for personal injury or property damage. General liability insurance will protect you from having to pay for these claims out of your own pocket.


  • Workers’ Compensation. Should an employee become injured while on the job, Workers’ Compensation insurance will protect you and your business from having to pay for the damages, medical costs and loss of wages that an employee suffers.


  • Business Owners Policy. This type of insurance will protect the structures of your physical business, as well as the contents within your business, should an event of nature occur and damage your property. For example, if an earthquake, a hurricane or a tornado strike and cause damage to your shoe store, business owners insurance will cover the cost of any damages or losses that you suffer.


  • Business Automobile Insurance. If you use vehicles to transport products for your shoe store, business automobile insurance is a necessity. This type of insurance will cover the cost of any damages to your business vehicle, as well as damages that other vehicles may suffer in the event of an accident with your business vehicle.

As the owner of a shoe store, insurance is one of the most important things that you need to take into consideration. This insurance can protect you, your livelihood, and your customers.


For all your business or personal insurance needs, contact BOLT Insurance Agency at 1-800-216-4171 or get an instant insurance quote online.