Taxidermists are experienced and trained in the practice of taxidermy, which involves preparing and stuffing animal skins for individual, hobbyist, and museum use. Fishermen, hunters, museums, and other individuals and entities often want to display their hunted prey or a variety of animals for other uses. Taxidermists are trained in properly preparing and stuffing the animal skins that these individuals can use for their own displaying or mounting purposes. As a taxidermist, you have the general business risks such as potential crimes, legal liabilities, injuries on your premises, dishonest employee practices, and completed operation risks. Protect these types of risks by choosing appropriate taxidermist insurance.
Types of Taxidermist Insurance
A variety of types of taxidermist insurance policies exist that will protect your different risk exposures. Choose your probable risks and be sure you have a business insurance policy to cover each.
Taxidermist General Liability Insurance
General liability insurance is one of the most important business insurance policies to have. Your taxidermist business will be protected against all types of liabilities including completed operations, products liability, and premises liability. If a customer visits your taxidermy shop and gets injured from tools left on the ground, they could sue you for damages. However premises liability will pay for these legal costs and any damages you owe. Completed operations is also helpful as it provides coverage for anything that occurs after the customer has picked up their finished taxidermy item.
Taxidermist Property Insurance
A bevy of risks are related to your business property and should be protected with a property insurance policy. For example, if there is an extreme weather condition or natural disaster, it could cause significant damage to your taxidermy shop or office. Many of the items and chemicals used cause you to be at a higher risk for fire due to their flammable nature A fire could destroy most of your building and contents very quickly with these chemicals. Property insurance will protect these and other types of damages to your property and contents.
Taxidermist Commercial Auto Insurance
As a taxidermist, you no doubt use a vehicle for business-related tasks such as picking up supplies or making deliveries. If you have a business auto insurance, your trips will be covered by the policy, such as personal injury, property damage, theft, or vandalism. You should have a business auto insurance policy for any company vehicle your business has.
Taxidermist Crime Insurance
Crime insurance is a type of business insurance policy that offers coverage for any type of crime that might occur in your taxidermist office, ranging from vandalism or theft of items, to embezzlement or other dishonest employee acts. If you have expensive tools and supplies stolen while you’re out of the shop, you could be facing a big loss. All of these can be protected by a crime insurance policy.
Taxidermist Workers’ Compensation
Most states in the US require worker’s compensation for all employees, but this isn’t the only reason you should purchase it. Worker’s comp policies offer protection to your employees in the event of a business-related illness or injury. Taxidermist employees are exposed to formaldehyde, acids, and other chemicals that might cause illness, along with injuries that could come from using tools like knives or saws. They should be covered by worker’s compensation insurance to help pay for medical costs, surgery, and lost income for any work missed while they recover.
These business insurance policies offer you to the best chance at protecting your business and assets from potential loss exposures. Whether you’re protecting against damage from extreme weather conditions or legal liabilities, taxidermist insurance is an essential part of protecting your business.