The New Home Office Deduction
More and more small businesses are operating from home offices these days. One of the many benefits business owners receive from home is the home office deduction. This year, however, there are a few changes in the home office deduction.
The New Home Office Deduction
More and more small businesses are operating from home offices these days. One of the many benefits business owners receive from home is the home office deduction. This year, however, there are a few changes in the home office deduction.
Small Business Owners Still Struggle with Economy, Sales
The economic recovery has, for the most part, been a boon to small businesses over the last few years in particular.
Small Business Owners See Drop in Optimism
The recovering economy has been a boon to many small business owners across the country over the last few years, and as a consequence many are now feeling much better about their chances for success going forward than they were just a few years ago.
The Good, Bad, and Ugly of a Paperless Office
The idea behind paperless offices is slowly gaining traction in large and small businesses throughout the U.S. alike. With greater emphasis being placed on green initiatives and operating businesses in environmentally-friendly manners, it’s no surprise that the widespread use of paper in businesses is a common target among those interested in protecting the planet. Before you decide to dive right in, though, it’s wise to explore the good, bad, and ugly side of a paperless office.
Small Business Owners Remain Hopeful of Future Success
The economy has improved considerably in the last several years, but many small business owners nationwide still seem a bit stung by the economic downturn that ended some time ago.
Small Businesses May Be Able to Improve Their Brands
These days, many small business owners across the country might regularly hear about the importance of “branding” and not necessarily know what, specifically, that means.
Female Small Business Owners Still Struggling With Loans?
It has become well-known in the past several months that when it comes to having access to credit, many small businesses lag well behind their larger competitors.
How to Take Advantage of Seasonal Marketing
Small businesses that learn to take advantage of seasonal marketing gain significant edges over their competitors – large and small. Make sure you incorporate these things into your seasonal marketing strategies for sensational results.
Small Business Digital Netiquette
As technology evolves, small business owners need to not only keep up with these changes, but also keep in mind a certain level of proper behavior and protocol. With business email, social media, and instant messaging/chat programs, it’s easy to get too casual and perhaps personal with clients. It is important to put that aside and remain professional, while following certain proper rules of the Internet. Collectively, this is referred to as business digital netiquette.