Are Your Employees’ Workstations Ergonomic?
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are common work-related injuries in today’s workplace. In fact, they are among the leading causes of workday injuries and illnesses. These specific types of injuries impact workers across a wide range of industries.
Experts Want Government to Do More for Small Business
The economic improvements exhibited over the last few years have been very good news for small businesses in general, but at the same time, it’s important to note that some experts believe the recovery for these types of companies in particular could have been a little more robust.
May: National Employee Health and Fitness Month
The month of May has been designated National Employee Health and Fitness Month as part of a nationwide effort to foster health and fitness in the workplace. Two organizations,National Association for Health and Fitness (NAHF) andACTIVE Life, are responsible for the creation of this month dedicated to generating healthy lifestyles and activities in the workplace on a more sustainable, ongoing basis.
May: National Electrical Safety Month
May is upon us, which means it is time for National Electrical Safety Month. TheElectrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) has been celebrating National Electrical Safety Month every year in May for many years. Each year there is a theme, with the 2014 theme being: Back to Basics with Electricity Safety Illustrated.
Small Business Owners May Want to Refine Hiring Process
Over the past few years, many small businesses have been held back in a number of ways, whether it was the struggling economy or a lack of access to credit.
Which Cities Best Position Small Businesses For Success?
Not all markets are created equal, and depending upon the industries in which small businesses operate, one city might be more conducive to success than another.
Small Business Owners Growing More Optimistic All the Time
The recent economic recovery made over the last few years in particular has been a boon to millions of small businesses nationwide, and while the steps forward haven’t been felt across the board, the majority of owners now find themselves and their companies in a much better position these days.
White House Celebrates Start of Small Business Week
National Small Business Week is now officially under way, and is a time when consumers and entrepreneurs alike can celebrate the ways in which independent companies help to drive the whole country forward.
Which States Are Best for Business?
All over the country, millions of small business owners might be wondering just how conducive their local and state economies are when it comes to being good for their companies.
Many Small Businesses Still See Tough Hiring Conditions
These days, the economy has been improving for some time, and many small businesses have likely been able to reap the rewards of that.