Small Business Owners Say They’ll Do More to Improve Companies in 2014
It seems that many small business owners across the country feel that they didn’t do enough to make sure their companies were as successful as possible in 2013.
Business Owners Expect Iffy Jobs Market This Year
The coming year has been a mixed bag in terms of expectations for growth.
What Can Small Business Owners Expect For 2014?
The economy has gone through significant changes in the last few years and many of those trends are expected to continue over the coming months, but whether they’ll all be beneficial to small business owners remains to be seen.
Some Small Business Owners Growing More Optimistic for 2014
The recent past has seen many small business owners finally begin to expand operations, or at least attempt to do so, after years of dour outlooks brought on by economic uncertainty.
Owners Have Cautious, Negative Outlook for 2014 Small Business Success
The economic recovery has been under way for some time now, and to that end, many of the nation’s small businesses are in a much better position now than they were just a few years ago.
Small Businesses Should Shift More Focus to Customers
Many small business owners across the country know that keeping everything afloat at the same time is no easy task, and juggling so many tasks at once can leave many entrepreneurs looking inwardly more often than they should.
Can Apps Help Small Businesses Run More Efficiently?
Many small business owners these days are often trying to figure out ways in which they can streamline their companies’ operations, and some are turning increasingly toward the kinds of software solutions that their kids might use to play games and communicate with their friends while on the go.
How Can Small Businesses Get Pricing Right?
When small business owners are just starting out with their new ventures, one of the first things they often have to do is decide upon what they’re going to charge for the goods or services their enterprises provide.
What Should a Small Business Website Do For Customers?
When it comes to their websites, many small businesses may be lagging behind consumers’ expectations for them, and some companies may not have them at all.
Small Businesses Likely to Target Big Data Next Year
With 2014 right around the corner, many small business owners are turning their attentions to the ways in which they will help their company grow in the coming year, and some experts now believe that the best way to do this might be through tapping a potentially massive resource known as Big Data.