Can Small Businesses Absorb the Blow from a Data Breach?

Data breaches are becoming more common these days and seem to be especially impacting small businesses as hackers shift their focus toward more vulnerable targets, but it seems many enterprises have not likewise moved to keep up with the threats.
Data Breach Compliance Potentially Problematic for Small Businesses

These days, small businesses are at significant risk for data breaches because hackers have in the last year or more turned their attentions to attacking those targets with less in the way of potential security barriers. That, in turn, can increase problems for these companies specifically for a number of reasons, and particularly those that do a lot of business with overseas customers or clients.
What Should Small Businesses Know About Data Breach Threats?

In the last few years, small business owners in particular may have become aware of the large and growing risk that data breaches may pose for them, especially given that many hackers have begun to specifically target them more recently. However, with the dearth of reports coming out about the potential sources from which these incidents can originate, it may not always be easy for entrepreneurs to know where they should focus their prevention efforts.
Small Business Owners Increasingly Concerned About Data Breaches

Experts have repeatedly warned that criminals may be focusing their efforts to cause data breaches on small businesses these days, as a result of the fact that many such companies usually do not have a significant security apparatus in place. For these reasons, it seems that many owners are growing increasingly concerned about this and other cybersecurity threats they may now face.
More Hackers Turn Their Attention to Small Business Targets
Many small business owners have likely seen news in the past year or so that they are now at greater risk for suffering a data breach because of the ways in which hackers are now targeting them. Consequently, it may be wise for them to do all in their power to make sure they are not likewise affected.
Facebook Scammers Continue to Target Small Businesses

Many companies are now wading into the world of social media as a means of trying to reach a larger number or prospective customers or clients, but doing so carries certain risks of which they will have to be very aware. That includes a number of Facebook scams that are making the rounds these days, and could cost businesses considerably.
Small Businesses Need to Beef Up Their Security Controls

Many of the nation’s small business owners may be trusting their employees with a lot of security information about their various accounts, whether it’s online or in the real world, or both. However, a new study found that in many cases, the level of exposure companies face as a result of these allowances is far greater than it needs to be.
Small Businesses Aren’t Safe from Hacking Attacks, Similar Threats
Many small business owners may go about their work as though they are impervious to any online threats their larger competitors may face for the simple reason that their companies appear to be too low-level to target. However, that kind of thinking can be extremely dangerous, as more crooks are now turning their attentions to hacking independent enterprises in particular.
What Small Businesses Should Do After Being Hit by a Data Breach
Many small business owners these days know that no matter how much they do to prevent themselves from being affected by a data breach, there is still a significant risk that such an incident can take place. In fact, that potential is only growing more serious, as there’s only so much companies with limited resources can do. As a result, it might be wise for owners to draw up plans for what they’ll do in the event of such an occurrence.
Older Computers Can Cost Small Businesses Productivity
Many small business owners are operating their companies on some pretty tight budgets these days, and that often means that they have to make do with a little less in the way of technology than they might like. However, new research suggests that devoting resources to buying updated computers can actually be a major benefit to businesses, and those that don’t might end up costing themselves in some way.