Small Businesses May Need to Beef Up Technology, Security for Holidays

The holidays are a hectic time for many small businesses because there’s just so much to get done. But one thing many owners may overlook during this period is the fact that they may be able to help themselves both in the short-term and long run by investing in some technology.
Small Businesses Need to Be Mindful After Sony Hack
Many small business owners have likely seen a lot of the fallout from the recent hacking attack that exposed a large amount of rather embarrassing emails, and ultimately played a role in the partial cancelation of a film’s release. And these entrepreneurs should keep in mind that if such a thing can happen to a company like Sony, it can certainly happen to smaller ones.
What Should Small Businesses Expect Next Year?

It seems as though every year is an eventful one for the small business sector, and 2015 is shaping up to be no different from its predecessors. There are many ways in which owners will have to adapt to changing environments both in their industries and the broader business world, and the more they know about these things in advance, the better off they’re likely to be going forward.
Do Small Businesses Do Enough to Protect Data?

The big-name companies that have been hacked in the past year or two may have caused many small business owners to briefly consider their own vulnerabilities to that type of effort. However, many unfortunately decide that instead of being proactive in trying to protect themselves they will instead wait to be reactive. Or worse, they might just figure this is the kind of thing which cannot happen to them.
Obama Administration Proposes Federal Data Breach Bill

For many years now, businesses large and small across the country have dealt with the threat of data breaches and perhaps not known how best to proceed when they, unfortunately, happen to suffer such an incident. This is often because the rules for dealing with such an event typically vary significantly from one state to the next; while the vast majority of states have data breach notification laws, they are certainly anything but uniform.
Small Businesses Face Rising Risk of Data Breaches

Every year, many small businesses are hit with data breaches, but few hear about the incidents because they’re often so minor in comparison with the big ones that expose hundreds of thousands of people. However, that still creates major issues for those individual companies, including a huge financial burden, and as such entrepreneurs might need to do more to reduce the risk if their firms don’t even up being impacted.
More Small Businesses Now Adopting Apple Pay
Millions of small businesses across the country are always looking for ways to better connect with consumers and the kinds of preferences they’re developing over time. Now, it seems that a small but growing number of them are adopting a new payment platform that could go a long way toward giving shoppers added convenience.
Is ISIS Targeting Small Businesses For Hacking Attacks?
These days, many cybersecurity experts say that it’s imperative for small businesses in particular to make sure they’re doing all they can to protect themselves from threats including would-be hackers. However, it seems that many are now being targeted by one of the most infamous groups in the world for just such an incident.
Small Businesses Must Monitor Their Cyber Security
Every year, a number of major hacking attacks that are carried out against some of the biggest national chains in the U.S. grab headlines and briefly make everyone more aware of this risk. However, what many people don’t know is that hundreds of thousands of small businesses across the country are impacted in similar ways on a much more miniscule scale. And unfortunately, the damage done is often costly and problematic for those independent firms.
Insurance Journal Reveals Smartphone Security Risks
Protecting data on the smartphone you use for business is essential. Cyber threats are reported daily against hospitals, major corporations, and government agencies. Small businesses seldom rate a news story, but the threat from hackers to your company is just as real.