Small Business Health Insurance Requirements Delayed Again
Over the last few years, millions of small business owners across the country have probably spent at least some time worrying about the ways in which the implementation of the various requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would affect their bottom lines. One thing that might not be helping matters very much in some cases is the Obama administration’s continual delays in rolling out certain aspects of the law as they pertain to small companies.
Small Business Credit Demand Keeps Growing
Over the last few years, the improving economy has brought many small business owners up to improved levels of operation, and potentially positioned their companies to expand appreciably over a relatively short period of time. That, in turn, has likely put a growing number of small businesses in a position to seek financing from lenders, and while the results when applying have been mixed, the demand continues to grow.
What You Should Know About Airbag Theft and Fraud
You’ve heard thieves stealing hubcaps, gas caps, gas, and of course entire cars. Did you know that thieves also target airbags? A new one can net $50 to $200 on the robust black market for car gear. Bags in commercial vehicles like vans and trucks are especially desirable.
IRS Changes More Small Business Tax Laws
Over the last few years, an issue that has repeatedly come up for millions of small business owners was the difficulty they often had in dealing with their tax obligations. However, a greater effort has been made more recently on the part of federal lawmakers and the Internal Revenue Service itself to simplify the process and potentially save owners some money.
Experts Worry About Decline in Small Business Hiring
The economy has improved significantly over the last few years and put millions of small businesses in a position to succeed in a number of ways once again. However, it now seems as though this change is really only benefiting existing independent firms, as new ones are really not being created very much at all. That, in turn, could prove problematic for sustaining and improving economic growth going forward.
Measures to Prevent Commercial Electrical Fires
Electrical problems that lead to fires in commercial buildings are devastating, resulting in injuries, deaths, and loss of property. Even when an electrical fire doesn’t completely destroy a building, it is likely to cause more extensive property damage than fires caused by other sources.
More Small Business Owners Turn to Facebook Advertising
Across the country, millions of entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for ways they can continually improve their companies’ footprints in their communities. Now, it seems that more are deciding to pony up the money for social media advertising, which they might have previously considered to be too costly.
Few Small Business Owners Prepared to Retire
Small business owners across the country are typically very invested in making their companies work, and often make personal financial sacrifices in order to help their companies succeed. But experts say this willingness might actually be detrimental to them in some ways, because it can seriously impact their abilities to save for retirement.
Small Business Report: Employee Theft Rarely Reported
A new survey finds a large number of employee thefts, even after discovered, are never reported.
Small Business Owners Feeling Upbeat These Days
The last few years haven’t been easy on many small businesses across the country, as the tough economy made it far more difficult for them to succeed. However, more recently, things have started to get better in a relatively quick fashion, and as such, millions are now feeling much more optimistic about their chances for future improvement.