Coming Google Changes Present Small Business Challenges
Many small businesses across the country have invested a decent amount of time and money in the last few years to making sure their websites are attractive and easy for consumers to use. But coming changes to how Google ranks pages could make some companies have to change their interfaces significantly in the near future.
Small Businesses Pushing Lawmakers to Improve Cybersecurity Laws
Data breaches at businesses of all sizes have been a major focal point for companies because they’ve grown so prevalent. And while most aren’t caused by anything nefarious, the fact remains that hackers are targeting companies more often these days, and smaller ones could constitute easy scores. Consequently, federal lawmakers are considering how they might be able to improve the situation for such firms by stiffening cybersecurity laws.
Small Businesses Struggling With Rising Rents?
Over the last few years, the improving economy has likely been a boon to millions of small businesses across the country, but something these conditions have also done is potentially make it harder for some to stay in their current locations. That’s because many property owners have taken advantage of the more robust markets in their areas by raising rents, which can obviously present problems for many established businesses.
Fleet Vehicles Manager Tool to Help Monitor Gasoline Usage and Other Vehicle Expenses
New U.S. Department of Energy GPS-powered tool helps fleet vehicle companies track vehicle expenses, including fuel usage.
Few Small Business Owners Have Succession, Retirement Plans
Millions of small business owners across the country may be getting to the point at which people their age generally start to consider what their retirement is going to look like. However, it seems that very few of these entrepreneurs have a focus on what their post-career life looks like, in comparison with those who work for other people’s companies. Experts say that this could, however, create some major problems for their firms in the long run.
Chicago the Latest City to Get Small Business Help from Google
While many small business owners over the last few years have taken the time and effort to build a strong website for their firms, this is still not something that’s been done by everyone. The fact is that the majority of such companies do not have as strong a web presence as experts say they probably should. Now, Google’s latest initiative is trying to bring about that kind of effort in order to improve both its own situation, and those of small companies.
40 Million Small Businesses Now Have Facebook Pages
Over the last several years, there has been a steady adoption of social media norms by businesses large and small, but in general, it’s the latter group that might be able to benefit most from using these sites. To that end, it seems that tens of millions of companies around the world have started Facebook pages for themselves, and that number is growing quickly.
Small Business Optimism Continues to Rise
Over the last several months, it seems that many entrepreneurs across the country have grown just a little more hopeful about their companies’ futures. In many cases, their views have been brightened by the continued economic recovery, which has slowly but surely trickled down to the point that these companies are boosting plans to spend and hire in the near future.
Small Businesses Still Vexed by Potential Sick Leave Changes
The number of protections being extended to workers across the country these days seems to be growing, and a number of states are consequently moving to adopt new laws that give added flexibility to workers. Massachusetts, for instance, recently instituted a law that would potentially endanger many smaller businesses financially.
Why Do Presidential Candidates Work So Hard to Woo Small Business?
Over the past several years, the end of the economic downturn and the slow but steady recovery has brought many small businesses across the country back onto more solid ground, financially speaking. But the fact is that while this is certainly not something most entrepreneurs are going to complain about, owners are always going to feel as though more could be done on the part of politicians to help them succeed in the future as well.