Obama Administration Beginning New Push for Small Businesses
These days, many small businesses might be seeing their bottom lines improving overall, but may still struggle in a number of ways to make sure they’re doing as much as they can to ensure future success as well.
How to Stay Healthy When Running a Small Business from Home
Running a small business on your own can be challenging to say the least. Among the many challenges you face is that of staying healthy. These are a few things you should include in your daily routine to keep your health on track and on target while you run a business out of your home.
Which States are Friendliest to Small Business?
Many small business owners across the country have seen significant improvement for their companies in the last few years, as the broader U.S. economy has taken a number of general steps forward.
Economic Improvement Leading to More Small Business Success
For millions of small business owners across the country, the fact that the economy is finally moving in the right direction after years of stops and starts is likely very welcome news.
SBA Offering Free Small Business Cybersecurity Online Course
Cyber crimes are a constant threat to small businesses that have websites, whether they use it for advertising their services, selling products, or connecting with other businesses within their industry. There are always new ways to protect your data and avoid cyber attacks, with the help of cyber security information, and best practice for top-notch security.
Permanent Small Business Tax Break Coming?
One of the biggest issues that’s cited over and over again by small business owners as being an impediment to their abilities to grow is the taxes they face from their local, state, and federal governments.
Small Business Growth to Have Major Impact on Broader Economy
The national economy’s recovery from the effects of the recession has been slow but steady over the last few years, and many of those steps forward have been reflected in the bottom lines for small businesses across the country.
Optimal Use of Lighting in Your Small Business
The U.S. Department of Energy reports that lighting accounts for nearly 40 percent of all electrical use in U.S. commercial buildings. Small businesses invest a great deal of money in lighting each year. As a small business owner, not only do you invest in lighting fixtures and bulbs, but you must also pay those pesky energy bills to keep things lit up in the office. That puts a serious dent in potential profits.
Why Remote Workers Should be Part of Your SMB Workforce
More and more businesses are embracing the idea of remote workers than ever before. In 2010, more than 13 million Americans worked remotely, compared to $9.2 million in 1997. VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) and other advances in technology make it easy for many companies to allow this option to employees. While it is may not be possible for every small and mid-sized business to allow remote workers, there are many benefits to the business worth considering for doing so for those that can.
BOLT Insurance Agency Expands Team to Meet Demands of Growing Customer Base
BOLT Insurance Agency Expands Team by 20% to Meet Demands of Growing Customer Base