Small Business Networking Tips Infographic
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Fleet Vehicle Skid Avoidance Tips
When you or your employees drive a fleet vehicle, there is a continuous risk for accidents. A common type of precursor to an accident in certain weather conditions is a skid, though the quality of the road can also make this happen more frequently.
The Dangers of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is emerging is as an effective option for many IT departments. It allows information to be stored and processed over an Internet-based server rather than by using a local server. This offers a wide range of benefits for the organization as well as employees using the cloud, but it also poses a number of risks. Here is some important information about the potential dangers of cloud computing.
Federal Government Finally Meets Small Business Contracting Goal
One of the things that has often been irksome to some of the nation’s leading small business advocacy groups is the way in which the federal government has repeatedly set goals for itself in terms of contracting with independent companies, but continually failed to reach those goals for a number of reasons.
Proactive First Aid at Your Small Business Workplace
While you should take the proper steps to ensure workplace injuries and illness do not happen, not everything can be avoided. Accidents are a risk you and your employees face every day, so it is important to be well prepared for them. One of the best things to do is have first aid be available in the workplace. Not only should you have first aid medical supplies, but preferably a policy to put your employees through basic first aid techniques to help a fellow worker in an emergency. This helps maintain an injury until emergency assistance arrives.
Small Businesses Likely to Pay More for Health Insurance Under ACA
Many small business owners have likely been wary about the ways in which the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would end up affecting their bottom lines for some time now, and it appears that those concerns were well-founded after all.
Warning Signs of a Drowsy Driver
asleep at the wheel, if only for a split second, could cause a major collision on the freeway. Driving while tired tends to cause drivers to lose their focus and have slower reaction times. Luckily, there are some ways to notice drowsy driving. If your employees notice these signs in themselves, they can get off the road and can get rest before an accident occurs. Make sure they are fully aware of the following signs of drowsy driving, and the consequences of ignoring the signs.
Many Small Businesses Looking Forward to End of Winter
Up and down the East Coast, and in other parts of the country as well, the cold weather and numerous snow storms seen over the past few months has put a damper on all kinds of issues, and not the least of these are small businesses.
Risks of Operating a Vending Machine Business
Vending machine businesses are an old business, but one that still continues to be profitable. You have a lot of freedom when you own this type of business, including choosing the locations (for the most part) for the vending machines and what type of machines you will have. There are many to choose from, including snacks, drinks, and even toys. You should be aware of the risks of this business as well when getting into the vending machine business, so you can begin working on preventing these risks.
Few Small Businesses Coming to Government’s Health Insurance Exchange
As part of the roll-out of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, there were plans for a small business health insurance exchange to be enacted, but these ran into numerous difficulties.