Mortgage Brokers Insurance
Mortgage brokers are independent brokers that help bring together mortgage loans by separate lenders and potential real estate buyers. They are responsible for locating the right types of mortgage loans for their clients, finding out about the background and financial history of clients and marketing themselves to potential clients and buyers. This can be a very profitable business, but it has a number of risks. Professional liability is among your biggest risks and requires proper business insurance.
Can Small Businesses Leverage Holiday Sales into Year-Round Success?
During the holiday season, most companies regardless of their size usually see at least some sort of uptick in the amount of business they do, and this year is likely no different.
Will Small Business Marketing Need to Change Next Year?
The year is quickly coming to a close and that may prompt a little bit of house cleaning for 2013, as well as planning as small businesses look forward to 2014.
More Small Businesses Trying to Expand With Overseas Efforts
Usually, when one hears the term “small business,” they also think “local business,” but it seems that many entrepreneurs are trying to change that perception.
Worker Illness and Small Businesses Infographic
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Linen Supply Services Insurance
A linen supply service is a type of business that provides different types of linens to businesses, hotels, and hospitals. The linens include bedding, diapers, towels, linen supplies, and even company uniforms. Your business has the potential for great success, but you also need to be aware of your risks. Professional mistakes, unexpected events, and damage to your property are all risks that can be covered by business insurance.
Small Business Hiring Increased Only Slightly in November
Small businesses across the country have generally begun to see notable improvements to their bottom lines over the past several months or more as the economy continues to move back toward the norms seen prior to the recession.
Law Firms and Lawyers Insurance
Lawyers must be properly licensed in order to practice law in their state, and have various clients for a specific area of law. Most lawyers specialize in one area of law, like criminal law, environmental law, financial law or social services. Law firms employ a variety of lawyers or attorneys to work for them and represent their firm. Lawyers and law firm businesses requires business insurance to cover your risks, the biggest of which are professional liabilities and relate to the legal services you provide.
Small Business Owners Concerned About Potential Minimum Wage Increase
In recent months, there has been a significant amount of discussion among consumer advocates, state lawmakers, and even in the halls of Congress about the prospect of increasing the federal minimum wage.
Personal Inland Marine Insurance
As a homeowner, you want to be protected from certain unforeseen and unanticipated events such as theft, fire, flood, natural disaster, or other occurrences that can cause damage to your personal belongings. While you may have a homeowners insurance policy, this isn’t always enough to cover everything. Personal inland marine insurance acts as an extension of your homeowner’s insurance policy to offer additional coverage for personal belongings ranging from jewelry to collectibles, musical instruments, cameras, and fine art. Your personal property can also be damaged while being transported, which personal inland marine will protect. Your personal property is precious and valuable to you, and should have adequate insurance protection, which personal inland marine can provide.