Safety Tips for Driving During Rush Hour
One of the worst times to be driving is during rush hour. Lights are slow, roads are crowded, and people just want to get home. In order to get where they are going quicker, people drive dangerously and this results in an accident. According to the Carolina Population Center, rush hour contributes to 1 in 4 car accidents. It’s very important that during rush hour, you practice safe driving. Below are some safety tips to get you through rush hour driving safely.
What is VIN Switching (aka VIN Cloning)
There are around 700,000 car thefts each year in the US, according to the FBI. In many cases, the cars are stolen so they can be used for selling the parts, however, thieves have a more profitable way to sell a stolen car and it’s known as VIN Switching or also referred to as VIN Cloning.
Rear-End Collisions Most Common
A rear-end collision is a type of traffic accident where one vehicle crashes into another one in front of it. There are various factors that cause rear-end collisions including:
7 Situations that Warrant an Insurance Policy Review
When it comes to life or homeowners insurance, you may think it’s a one-time thing that you take care of once and then forget about it. However, you should review your policy each time something significant in your life changes. Below are some reasons why you should review your insurance policies.
Fall Home Maintenance Checklist
Fall is here and now is the time to check your fall home maintenance checklist to see if your home is ready for the cooler months ahead. Below are some tasks that should be on that checklist.
Candle Burning Safety
Burning candles might seem like a simple task that is easy to do safely, but there are probably a lot of safety precautions you weren’t aware of. Just because you have been lucky so far, doesn’t mean you always will.
Learn About the Types of ATV Insurance
Whether you are exploring unparalleled scenery, rugged terrain, or hidden trails, ATV riding can be very unpredictable. While this might seem exciting to you, not everything is — like getting into an ATV accident, for instance. This is why is important that you are adequately covered with ATV insurance. Before you purchase a policy, it’s essential that you understand the different types of insurance available.
The Surprising Facts About Dehydrated Driving
Dehydration is a condition where you are prone to unclear thinking, staggering, clumsiness and mental fog. Inadequate hydration is a significant issue which impairs mental clarity, concentration and focus. It also impedes reaction times, so driving while in a state of dehydration is not recommended.
Top Tips on Getting Classic Car Insurance
Whether you are a seasoned classic car collector or only own one classic car, you are aware that each vehicle is created different. You would not treat your 1971 Porsche 911S the same way you would with any other personal vehicle you owned. This fact is also recognized by car insurance agencies as well. Because of this, US auto insurance companies usually offer special rates for collector car insurance.
Steps to Reduce Your Flood Damage
Before a flood strikes, there are many things you can do to reduce the damage caused to your home and property. Below are some steps you can take to preserve the integrity of your home and reduce the impact the water will have on your family and your assets.