Hire an Insured Plumber
Small business owners do not have a great deal of wiggle room within the business budget. This means you’re always on the lookout for ways to save money on all aspects of your business while still providing your customers and employees the best possible experience within the means of your business. One area where you should not skimp, though, is when hiring a plumber. These are just a few important details you should keep in mind when in the market for a plumber for your small business.
Small Business Owners Remain Worried About ACA
Over the past few years, millions of Americans may have wondered how the various aspects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would end up impacting them, and that’s certainly true of small business owners. But now that the coverage mandate has been in effect for the full year, it seems that many smaller firms are starting to shy away from offering coverage.
Why Crime Insurance Should Not be Overlooked
Small businesses today have a lot to think — and often worry — about when trying to run a successful business. One worry small business owners do not need hanging over their heads is the worry over how they will recover if or when crime happens to them. Unfortunately, crime insurance is often an afterthought for small business owners. Failing to pay attention to this need can cost small businesses big. Here’s why.
How Will Congress Approach Small Business This Year?
Every year, many small business owners around the country may be concerned about the ways in which they’re going to face regulatory red tape and other issues as a result of local, state, or federal rules. And now with a new Congress in power in Washington, D.C., they’re likely to have many more questions.
Proposed Sick Time Law Could Impact Small Businesses
In his recent State of the Union address, President Barack Obama called on Congress to pass a bill that would ensure some paid sick leave for all workers regardless of their job status. However, experts generally say that this could be a major issue for employers, particularly ones that do not have many employees.
Winter Weather Alerts: Do You Know What They Mean?
Some winters are fraught with peril at every turn. Warnings, watches, alerts, special weather statements, polar vortexes and more. What does it all mean? These are a few basics of winter weather alerts so that you are in the know this winter and can plan accordingly.
Small Business Owners Continue to Grow More Confident
The last several years have been slowly improving as far as small business owners are concerned, as their local economies improve along with most of the rest of the country. That, in turn, has led many to feel better about their chances for financial success in each of the last few years, and that trend is only likely to continue picking up pace going forward.
What Should All Small Business Owners Know About Their Companies?
Millions of people across the country run their own small businesses, and the likelihood is that each has his or her own ideas about how best to operate over the course of a year. However, there are also a number of key principles which are typically going to remain true for most of these companies, and which it may therefore behoove entrepreneurs to learn.
Email Security Tips
You use your business email on a daily basis and trust that everything is working accordingly. But did you know you could also be putting your business at risk? There are many email scams and security problems that still exist, even if it seems like you are past the days of email phishing. There are many different ways someone can hack into your system and steal your confidential information, even with something as simple as opening up an attachment. Protect yourself and your business with the following email security tips.
Small Business Payrolls Continue Strong Momentum
Over the past few years, many small business owners have started to feel better about their companies’ chances for success thanks to the steadily improving economy. That, in turn, has translated to hiring more workers and giving raises to those they already have, and it’s a trend that certainly continued through the start of the new year.