How Can Winter Weather Impact Small Businesses?

This week, much the Northeastern U.S. and even parts of the Midwest were battered with big snow storms that dropped as much as three feet in some areas. That led to millions staying home from work for at least a day, and could have had a significant impact on small businesses in particular.
Businesses Encouraged to Support National Privacy Day on January 28, 2015
Wednesday, January 28 is the eighth annual Data Privacy Day, sponsored by the National Cyber Security Alliance, or NCSA. The goal is to encourage all types of businesses and organizations to work toward a culture of privacy online.
January is National Radon Month: What You Should Know
Over 15,000 deaths from lung cancer are directly attributable to prolonged exposure to radon gas, according to the National Institutes of Health. That makes it second only to cigarette smoke, but most people know very little about this pernicious, though common, gas.
Small Business Owners Saw Big Growth Last Year, Poised for More
The past few years have been pretty good for many small businesses across the country thanks to the ongoing economic recovery, but by far the most positive was 2014. Now, many owners are anticipating even more improvement for 2015, and are preparing in a number of ways.
White House Touts Trade Deals as Boon for Small Business
Many small businesses have enjoyed at least some amount of growth over the past few years, and this is largely due to the improving U.S. economy. And while many may not be back to the point they were at when the recession hit, it seems the federal government is now doing more to help small businesses specifically.
Benefits and Risks of Having a Wireless Internet Network in Your Small Business
If you run a business, you probably already have a wireless Internet network or you are considering one. They are no doubt practical, convenient, and very easy to use. On the downside, though, they can be a risk to your company’s private and confidential information. Before you rush into getting one, it is important to be aware of not just the benefits, but the drawbacks as well. Here are the benefits and risks of wireless Internet networks and how you can better secure your network to reduce your risks.
U.S. Small Businesses Not Sprouting Up Quickly Enough?
The last few years have been extremely good for many small businesses across the country, but not all of them have enjoyed the success that typically comes with an overall improving economy. Moreover, it seems that when small businesses nationwide fold, there aren’t enough entrepreneurs moving in to take their place to keep the number of such companies growing.
Guard Your Business From Freezing Pipes This Winter
Getting ready for winter is a big deal for small business owners, whether it’s snow removal, polar vortexes, or keeping ice away from sidewalks and business entrances. Little thought, though, is given to the need to winterize your business pipes for winter. However, avoiding the aggravation and expense of burst pipes is a worthwhile pursuit for any business owner.
Many Small Business Owners Still Concerned Over Health Insurance Costs
Millions of small business owners across the country are constantly making decisions that will affect their companies’ bottom lines for months or even years to come, and the more they can do to keep their costs under control, the better off they’re likely to be going forward. However, that might not be possible when it comes to dealing with health insurance, the cost for which seems to be constantly on the rise.
Small Business Owners Benefit from Falling Gas Prices

In the last few months, millions of Americans have seen some of their financial burdens ease a little bit thanks to the fact that gas prices have fallen significantly. In some parts of the country, the price per gallon is now down below $2 for the first time in several years. Beyond the average consumer, though, it seems many small businesses are also feeling the positive effects of this change.