More Small Business Owners Turning to Online Training
These days, small business owners typically understand full well that they can’t really take a lot of time away from their companies – even if they want to – for just about any reason.
Small Business Maintenance Tasks Too Important to Overlook
When you own your own business, it’s beneficial to keep up with important maintenance tasks. If you run a manufacturing business or contractor business, for example, you probably already know that your equipment and tools needs to be checked on a regular basis. However, there are small tasks that businesses frequently overlook, and end up paying for it later. Here are some maintenance tasks you should not put off.
Lending Process May Still Irk Many Small Business Owners
Over the past few years, it has been very difficult for small business owners across the country to obtain funding from traditional financial institutions.
The Ins and Outs of Fire Code Violations
It is the job of local fire departments not just to put out fires, but to provide safety rules and regulations known as fire codes. This involves everything from having fire extinguishers and proper smoke detectors, to providing proper electrical safety in your business.
Big-name Retailers Don’t Always Threaten Smaller Competitors
The holiday shopping season is upon us and during this time of year, it can be easy for small business owners to grow at least a little resentful of name-brand retailers in their fields.
Best Practices When Using Public WiFi for Work
The idea of taking work on the go is appealing to many employees who simply need to get out of the office and enjoy a change of scenery sometimes. It’s a great way to spark creativity and improve productivity. But there are some very real risks to consider when allowing employees to access public WiFi for work.
Small Businesses Growing More Optimistic
The last few years have been very strong for small businesses across the country, and that has certainly continued as 2014 draws to a close.
Small Businesses Growing More Optimistic
The last few years have been very strong for small businesses across the country, and that has certainly continued as 2014 draws to a close.
Home Based Consultant Insurance
Many home based business owners and consultants are startled to discover, often only after it’s too late, that their homeowners insurance does not cover the needs of their home based businesses. With some policies, you may even find that having a home based consultancy business negates your home insurance policy. That’s why it’s so important to consult with your insurance company to make sure that you have the right policy to meet your personal and professional needs.
SMBs Be Aware of New Wire Transfer Scams
A fairly new type of cybercrime is becoming a risk to people, primarily small business owners, who mistaken a sender of a wire transfer request as a vendor or client. The wire transfer scam can make business owners a victim if they fall for it, and fail to have protection with a cyber liability insurance policy.