How Having a Dash Cam Can Add a Second Layer of Protection
Your car is an investment, so it is important to protect it. You already pay a considerable amount for vehicle maintenance and insurance
costs, and you probably do not want to add more to those fees. Installing a dash cam can offer an additional layer of protection for your car when it comes to break-ins, accidents, and new drivers. Investing in a dash cam offers considerable benefits for a variety of drivers, including protection from insurance fraud.
How Different Types of Tires can Affect Your Risk of an Accident
We all know how important tires are for our vehicles. But,
have you stopped to consider how important your tires are in preventing an accident? When tires become weak or old, they lose their effectiveness, and they can be very dangerous as you drive. Also, tires that have been recalled can seriously impact your ability to safely drive your car. Keep reading for more information on how different types of tires can affect your risk of an accident.
Pros and Cons of Using Insurance Driving Monitors in Your Car
Driving monitors are the latest trend for car insurance companies. Many insurers are offering driver monitor programs that promise to
lower rates for safe drivers. The benefits include lower premiums and improved safety, while the drawbacks can include raised prices and privacy concerns. Keep reading for an overview of the pros and cons of using insurance driving monitors in your car.
Smart Homes are More Affordable than You Think
Smart homes are all the rage these days, but you do not have to break the bank to outfit your home in the latest technology. Homeowners can find affordable smart home devices that provide considerable cost savings on energy and water bills. Also, some homeowners insurance quotes may be lower if your home uses smart technology.
Protecting Yourself from Car Accidents During the Winter
Winter driving can be intense depending on where you live. For all drivers, safety should be a major concern in order to protect themselves
and others on the road. Bad accidents can do more than damage your car or cause injuries, though. Insurance premiums and fees are often related to your driving history, so accidents can cause your insurance payments to increase.
Best Auto Insurance for College Students
Getting the best auto insurance for college students isn’t always easy. After paying rent, tuition, books, and other expenses, you’re lucky if you have any money left over for yourself. Paying for costly auto insurance is the last thing you want to do. However, it’s very possible you can get good auto insurance with an affordable premium, even as a college student. You just need to know what you’re looking for and how to shop around.
What is Liability Coverage for Auto Insurance?
Liability protection is one of the key coverage aspects of a good auto insurance policy. In some states, the law required drivers to maintain a minimum amount of liability insurance coverage in order to drive. Auto liability coverage comes in two primary forms: bodily injury liability and property damage liability.
What Does Renters Insurance Cover?
Just because you’re only renting an apartment and not buying a home, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t protect yourself andpersonal belongingsfinancially. And, regardless of the size of your apartment, whether it’s a four bedroom lavishly open design or a tiny studio, you need backup should disaster strike. But, what does renters insurance cover?
How Do I Get Car Insurance for My Teenager?
You may be reluctant to add your teenage driver to your auto insurance policy. Your teen is not only taking a big step as a new inexperienced driver, but you’ll also stand to face an increase in your insurance premium.
What to do if Your Car is Broken Into During the Holiday Season
What to Do if Your Car is Broken Into During the Holiday Season